Physician Skin Care Products – Are They Worth It?
If you’re new to professional-level skin care, you might be wondering if it’s worth it to purchase your products here (versus at a regular beauty store or drug store). Is there really a difference in a facewash from a physician skin care product line over something you might find at Ulta? The short answer is, yes! It might surprise you to learn that working with the experienced team at Rejuvenate to find a medical-grade skin care routine that works for you can actually save you time and money in the long run. Let’s find out why.
What Is Physician Skin Care?
What exactly does it mean for products to be called “medical-grade” or “physician-directed”? These products target skin issues like wrinkles, acne, and hyperpigmentation. Using revolutionary technology, they correct even the most challenging of issues. Physician skin care brands meet high standards, with quality ingredients. What’s more, they must be clinically proven effective. Typically, only dermatologists and medical spas will carry these lines. Clients looking for quality skin care products should book a consultation with a licensed provider to discuss their options.
Our Partners In Skin Care
At Rejuvenate, we have partnered with two professional, physician-developed skin care lines. As a result, we are able to offer our clients a range of solutions depending on their needs.
- ZO® Skin Health – Developed by world-renowned dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, these products create and maintain healthy skin utilizing the most advanced technology. Correct sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and acne while preventing future damage.
- ALASTIN Skincare® – Founded in 2015, this fast growing skin care line uses extensive research and development to innovate powerful, effective products. They work in combination with office treatments, with pre and post session regimens to enhance your results.
When considering medical-grade skin care products, many people balk at the price. Investing in a proven, professionally recommended skin care regimen actually offers significant value. It saves you from purchasing over the counter products that don’t work. In other words, twenty dollars here and there for cleansers and serums that go unused adds up. Stop wasting time and money buying products that don’t work! We help you focus your time and energy on a skin care plan that gets results. Book a consultation with us today for a comprehensive program to help you meet your goals.